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Global Tuna Catches by Stock - FAO Fisheries Division (ODIS id: 1025)

This resource is online Last check was 06/05/2024 03:38
First entry: 05/06/2020 Last update: 09/10/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record Mr. Marc Taconet ( OceanExpert : 16546 )
Submitter/Owner Role FAO
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ODIS-Arch Type Sitemap
English name Global Tuna Catches by Stock - FAO Fisheries Division
Original (non-English) name
Acronym Global Tuna Catches by Stock - NFI
Abstract This database contains, for the principal market tuna species, nominal catches by fishing gear, species, stock, fishing country and year from 1950 to 2010. Tuna and tuna-like species are very important economically and a significant source of food. They include approximately forty species occurring in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans and in the Mediterranean Sea. Their global production has tended to increase continuously from less than 0.6 million tonnes in 1950 to above 6 million tonnes today. The so-called principal market tuna species are the most important among the tuna and tuna-like species from the catch weight and economical view points. They are landed in numerous locations around the world, traded on the nearly global scale and also processed and consumed in many locations worldwide. In 2010, their catch was approximately four million tonnes, which represents about 66% of the total catch of all tuna and tuna-like species. Most catches of the principal market tuna species are taken from the Pacific (70.5% of the total catch of principal market tuna species in 2008), with the Indian contributing much more (19.5% in 2010) than the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea (10.0% in 2010).
Host institution of the resource FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
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