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Consumption of Fish and Fishery Products - FAO Fisheries Division (ODIS id: 1020)

This resource is online Last check was 28/01/2025 22:30
First entry: 05/06/2020 Last update: 09/10/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record Mr. Marc Taconet ( OceanExpert : 16546 )
Submitter/Owner Role FAO
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ODIS-Arch Type
English name Consumption of Fish and Fishery Products - FAO Fisheries Division
Original (non-English) name
Abstract This database contains statistics of the world apparent consumption of fish and fishery products. A food balance sheet for fish and fishery products presents a comprehensive picture of the pattern of a country's fish supply during a specified reference period (calendar year). The 3 domains (commodities balances, Food Balance Sheets and Consumption) include statistics on apparent consumption of fish and fishery products based on food balance sheet methodology. The series, starting from 1961, are aggregated into eight major groups of species of similar biological characteristic and are expressed in terms of live-weight equivalent. Nutritional values in terms of proteins, calories and fats are also provided. Food Balance Sheets provide an approximate picture of the food situation in the countries' self-sufficiency and their trends over time, which may be used, for economic and nutritional studies, for the preparation of development plans and the formulation of related projects, as in fact is being done in the FAO.
Host institution of the resource FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
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Technical notes FIGIS. FAO/FIPS is responsible for supplying annual statistics of supply/utilisation accounts (SUAs) for 10 groups of primary fishery commodities and 9 groups of processed products derived from them to the FAO/WAICENT/ESS system of food availability and consumption data. This data cover almost all the countries and territories of the world from 1961. The SUAs contain the estimates of supplies from different sources matched against estimates of different form of utilisation of each product. These series are regularly updated and revised in the light of any new information. By taking data for a period, limiting it to food commodities and converting the food into calories, proteins and fats, it is possible to prepare food balance sheets (FBS). The food balance sheets derived from the SUAs of food products are consistent internally. The following data set description refers to the statistics of world apparent consumption of fish and fishery products based on food balance sheets.
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