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First entry: 26/10/2020 Last update: 24/11/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record Mrs. Farnaz Ghiasi ( OceanExpert : 26554 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE Secretariat
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English name PEGO OBIS IPT
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Abstract Considering this significance and regarding that a large coastal area of Islamic Republic of Iran, practically 2700 km, is covered by shorelines of the Caspian Sea, the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, the existence of an active national center in different fields of marine and oceanographic sciences in the country has always been of strategic importance. On this basis, the Iranian National Center for Oceanography (INCO) was established in 1992 according to the agreement between the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Islamic Republic of Iran and UNESCO. In 19th March 2010, the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology approved the promotion of “Iranian National Center for Oceanography (INCO)” to “Iranian National Institute for Oceanography (INIO)” and on 8th June 2013, approved the promotion of Iranian National Institute for Oceanography (INIO) to the “Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science (INIOAS)”. Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology with the following aims: - Basic oceanographic studies and theorization - Planning long-term programs for protection, preservation and promotion of the marine ecosystems as well as optimum utilization of them - Development of research-based decision making and decision taking in different marine and oceanographic fields - Promoting the scientific developments in different oceanographic fields taking the foresight approach - Developing the financial sources of the institute and utilization of the financial supports of national and international organizations as well as the support of private section, especially the scientific societies and non-governmental organizations - Giving services to the society and expanding the general and specialized oceanographic trainings - Developing interactions between related national and international organizations for raising the role of marine resources in economical, social, political and cultural developments Functions: The most important functions and responsibilities of INIOAS are: - Implementation of major scientific and applied researches in all marine fields - Establishment and development of marine research laboratories in the institute and Centers at the coasts of the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman and the Caspian Sea. - Cooperation with various organizations in the implementation of their research projects considering the agreement between both parties - Organizing national, regional, and international training courses, seminars, and conferences in different oceanographic fields - Helping universities in establishing courses for marine sciences and technologies - Providing necessary facilities for conducting new marine technologies into the country - Information exchange with other marine centers and organizations - Providing consultation to the authorities of the related marine organizations for defining the country marine policies - Initiating communication and cooperation with international and regional oceanographic organizations. Users can access timely, free and unrestricted to the Iranian Marine Biodiversity Data.
Host institution of the resource Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science
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