North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 - Geographic information - Metadata - Federal Geographic Data Committee
Original (non-English) name
North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 - Geographic information - Metadata - FGDC
Standards for geographic metadata provide a common framework for the documentation of geographic
information in terms of terminology, definition, and structure. In 1995, the Canadian General Standard Board
published the Directory Information Describing Geo-referenced Datasets which introduced a standardized
metadata content for the description of geographic datasets. In 1998, the Federal Geographic Data
Committee introduced the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata which specifies a set of metadata
elements and its structure for the representation of geographic datasets. More recently ISO19115:2003
Geographic information – Metadata, an international standard that sets the basis for the description of
geographic data, has been released. This international standard provides a common framework for producing
and exchanging geographic metadata between nations.
In this context, the United States of America and Canada have agreed to revise their respective metadata
standards and develop a common profile of ISO19115:2003 Geographic information – Metadata. North
American Profile of ISO19115:2003 Geographic information – Metadata (NAP – Metadata) will enhance
interoperability of geographic information metadata in North America.