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UCADIZ oceanographic vessel - University of Cadiz-University Institute of Marine Research (ODIS id: 1197)

This resource is online Last check was 01/02/2025 06:31
First entry: 22/01/2021 Last update: 12/10/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE Secretariat
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English name UCADIZ oceanographic vessel - University of Cadiz-University Institute of Marine Research
Original (non-English) name Buque Oceanográfico UCadiz - UCA-INMAR
Acronym UCADIZ oceanographic vessel - UCA-INMAR
Abstract UCADIZ, owned by the University of Cadiz, with 25 meters long and 7.5 manga, will strengthen the scientific infrastructure of the CEI·MAR. This facility made available to the scientific community of the Campus to advance research in various fields such as oceanography, nautical and underwater archaeology, water management, etc. At the same time, it will constitute a resource of great features for teaching degrees and specialized master’s degrees in marine and maritime studies. It is therefore indispensable equipment, long demanded by researchers from CEI·MAR, unique in the Andalusian region. This provision results in a clear improvement of the scientific Campus. The project has been developed in four main actions: remodeling to adapt workspaces and habitability of the crew and scientists; tuning engine room and electrical installation; acquisition and installation of bridge equipment, and provision of basic scientific equipment with capacity for studies in various marine areas. Thus, the UCADIZ have a dry and wet laboratory for oceanographic campaigns, equipment integrated navigation radar installation ARPA bridge filing system electronic charts (ECDIS), information display navigation data, system of government ( gyroscopic / Auto), GPS / DGPS receiver, honeycomb alarm, depth sounder, speedometer, wind and GMDSS radio console in its different versions and coverage areas. In addition, scientific equipment includes, among other provisions, self-contained for shallow waters, portal salinometer, current profilers 75 kHz and 600 kHz, thermosalinograph, fluorometer, weather station, CTD probe CTD with oceanographic wire, probe CTC multiparametric with oxygen sensors and turbidity, an advanced camera for deep electromechanical sensors auxiliary cable or a novel operated underwater vehicle from the vessel (ROV).
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