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HF Radar Network - Hydrographic Institute of Portugal (ODIS id: 1239)

This resource is online Last check was 14/03/2025 10:33
First entry: 22/01/2021 Last update: 01/06/2023
Submitter/Owner of this record Rui M. Reino Baptista ( OceanExpert : 20137 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE NODC
Datasource URL
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ODIS-Arch Type
English name HF Radar Network - Hydrographic Institute of Portugal
Original (non-English) name Rede de Radares HF - Instituto Hidrografico Marinha-Portugal
Acronym HF Radar Network - IH
Abstract Coastal high-frequency (HF) radars are based on the implementation of the “ SeaSonde” technology of the “Coastal Ocean Dynamics Application Radar ” This monitoring system has the objective of environmental monitoring and consists of the installation of two, or more, stations that allow the measurement of surface currents and sea agitation in an area up to 75 km from the coast. Its operation is based on the measurement of the doppler variation and the intensity of the backscattered signal along each azimuth every 5º (000 - 005 - 010 - 015 -… ..), providing a component of the vector. By joining the different components, the final vector is obtained, where the current intensity is represented in two ways (length and color of the arrow) and the direction (direction of the arrow). From this system, it is possible to obtain vector maps of currents and agitation in real-time, carry out pollutant patches tracking and feed assimilation models for forecasting.
Host institution of the resource Instituto Hidrográfico Lisboa
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Sea Region
Spatial Coverage Portugal coastal areas
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