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Buoys Network Map - Hydrographic Institute of Portugal (ODIS id: 1240)

This resource is online Last check was 13/03/2025 22:28
First entry: 22/01/2021 Last update: 01/06/2023
Submitter/Owner of this record Rui M. Reino Baptista ( OceanExpert : 20137 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE NODC
Datasource URL
Parent Project URL
ODIS-Arch Type
English name Buoys Network Map - Hydrographic Institute of Portugal
Original (non-English) name Rede de Boias Mapa - Instituro Hidrografico Marinha-Portugal
Acronym Buoys Network Map - IH
Abstract The information provided by the Hydrographic Institute (IH) is the result of real-time processing of the 10-minute records: significant height, maximum height, average period, maximum period, peak direction and the surface water temperature. The query is made through a map, where the user selects the station he wants, and accesses the last available information. The query can also be made through graphs where the user can select, either as to the parameters to be consulted (height, period, direction and temperature), or as to the observation periods (ranging from the last 24 hours, up to the total set of comments). The information provided on the map is corrected for the adopted legal time. In all other products (tables and graphs), the information is referred to the UTC time zone (coordinated universal time).
Host institution of the resource Instituto Hidrográfico Lisboa
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