Coasts of Chile. Natural Enviroment, Climate Change, Oceanic Engineering and Coastal Management - University of Valparaíso
Original (non-English) name
Costas de Chile. Medio Natural, Cambio Climático, Ingeniería Oceánica y Gestión Costera - Universidad de Valparaíso
Morales, Esteban & Winckler, Patricio. (2020). Costas de Chile. Medio Natural, Cambio Climático, Ingeniería Oceánica y Gestión Costera.
The reality in Chile tells us that almost a million people live below 10 meters above sea level; a quarter of its population is distributed in 100 coastal communes and two insular ones; where 467 officially registered fishing coves support 92,000 workers linked to artisanal fishing. In addition to the above, approximately 3,400 fish farms and aquaculture concessions are important sources of work, to which are added half a million people who carry out related activities, including traders, intermediaries and exporters, highlighting that 95% of the country's commercial exchange it develops across the oceans. This book is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary contribution to the knowledge of the coast of Chile.