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Arqueomonitor (ODIS id: 1331)

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First entry: 22/01/2021 Last update: 29/01/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE Secretariat
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English name Arqueomonitor
Original (non-English) name Arqueomonitor
Abstract Study of the influence of physical, chemical and biological conditions in the damage and protection of Underwater Historical Heritage CTM2009-08668 and CTM2010-1636. The ARQUEOMONITOR Project, supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER (CTM2009-08668 and CTM2010-16363) studied in what grade, the generation, conservation or degradation of archaeological sites are influenced by marine environmental variables, employing two wrecks of the same chronology subjected to very different environmental conditions, Fougueux and Bucentaure (1805). In order to correlate the conservation status achieved at each site with the local marine environmental conditions we have studied the main physical, chemical and biological factors that can impact on the shipwreck materials. Also, modern samples of the materials usually found in these shipwrecks have been disposed at each site, and their evolution over time has been studied, preventing thus the alteration of archaeological remains. The results obtained allowed to develop new in situ methods for protection of deposits and its elements, and develop predictive models of permanence through knowledge of materials and analysis of risk factors imposed by the marine environment. By combining the major milestones of the project (environmental monitoring, degradation studies and methods of safeguarding) it has been developed a standardized Archaeological Management Plan which compares sites through the establishment of similarities and differences. Now, the results are being dumped into a Data Portal, which will facilitate access to the information for researchers from different areas of knowledge involved in the management of the Archaeological underwater heritage who try to predict short-term potential threats on deposits.
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Spatial Coverage Bay of Cadiz
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