If you use SOCIB data, please acknowledge the use of these data with one of the following statements: In applications or websites: Data products used in this application were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). In addition, please make visible the SOCIB logo. In publications: Citation of a dataset with DOI is shown through the corresponding landing page of the SOCIB Data Product Catalog (apps.socib.es/data-catalog) Dataset without DOI: Data used in this work were obtained from SOCIB (www.socib.es). and cite the following publication: Tintore, J. et al. (2013), The Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System Responding to Science, Technology and Society Needs, Marine Technology Society Journal, 47 (1), doi: 10.4031/MTSJ.47.1.10
the new SOCIB API offers the possibility of exploring our data catalog and retrieving the data it contains. This API is a REST API, which means that the requests are issued from a usual HTTP client, available with any programming language.
Regarding interoperability and discoverability, one of the key components that data providers should issue are REST APIs. In this line, SOCIB Data Centre has released in 2018 the Data Catalog API, a REST API that is meant to extend and enhance the capabilities of previous one (Data Discovery).
This new API eases the recovering of different data sources (i.e. observational data) coming from a wide range of platforms (e.g. oceanographical buoy, coastal stations, weather stations, autonomous underwater vehicles, drifter buoys...). Next versions will include also models, images, etc... to the list of available data sources.
The new SOCIB API is addressed to two different types of users: the IT (software developer) user and the data scientific user. For the IT expert, the use will be almost trivial. For scientific data experts, with no experience on this kind of tool, some training will be needed.
A success story is the development of the SOCIB Data Catalog web that fully relies on the capacity of this API.