Sea Level Center - Global Sea Level Observing System at University of Hawaii
Original (non-English) name
Sea Level Center - GLOSS-UHSLC
If you use UHSLC tide gauge data in your research or applications, please cite the dataset as:
Caldwell, P. C., M. A. Merrifield, P. R. Thompson (2015), Sea level measured by tide gauges from global oceans — the Joint Archive for Sea Level holdings (NCEI Accession 0019568), Version 5.5, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Dataset, doi:10.7289/V5V40S7W.
This citation refers to the Research Quality dataset archived by the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information as the Joint Archive for Sea Level. As discussed below, Fast Delivery data is replaced by Research Quality as it becomes available. Only the most recent Fast Delivery values are not included in the Research Quality archive. If you use Fast Delivery data, please use the citation above and note the date through which Fast Delivery data was obtained.
The UHSLC offers tide gauge data with two levels of quality-control (QC), where more rigorous QC requires more effort and a greater time-lag.
1. Fast Delivery (FD) data are released within 1-2 months of data collection and receive only basic QC focused on large level shifts and obvious outliers. FD data are replaced in the data stream by RQD (see below) as the latter becomes available.
2. Research Quality Data (RQD) receive thorough QC and are considered to be the final science-ready data set. This final QC process is time-consuming, and as a result, the RQD are released 1-2 years after data is received from the data originators by the UHSLC.
Real-Time (RT) data, which feeds the international tsunami networks, are available from the UNESCO IOC Sea Level Monitoring website hosted by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ).