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Library - Celtic Sea Partnership (ODIS id: 1616)

This resource is offline Last check was 14/03/2025 10:33
First entry: 22/01/2021 Last update: 13/06/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE Secretariat
Datasource URL
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ODIS-Arch Type
English name Library - Celtic Sea Partnership
Original (non-English) name
Abstract The Celtic Seas Partnership project was formed in the context of increasing threats to the world’s oceans. It brings together a variety of stakeholders to collaborate on innovative approaches to management of the marine environment in the Celtic Seas and to create more harmonious ways of working. The Celtic Seas Partnership was an international project funded by LIFE+, the EU’s funding instrument for the environment. It brought together, governments, sea-users and scientists to find new ways of managing the marine environment to secure a sustainable future for our valuable marine economy and to protect our precious seas. Over four years, the WWF-led Celtic Seas Partnership has been bridging the links between marine stakeholders and policy, building key relationships and developing a toolbox of resources to support the management of the Celtic Seas. University College Cork’s MaREI Centre coordinated the stakeholder engagement activities in Ireland through a series of two national and three international workshops from 2013- 2016. The final event took place in Croke Park, Dublin in October 2016, attracting over 100 delegates representing a wide range of sectors across the Celtic Seas.
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