Welcome to Gaia Antarctic Digital Repository (GAIA ANTARTICA), resource of scientific information and outreach specialized in Antarctic and polar topics. Born in the context of the Convenio de Desempeño MINEDUC-MAG 1203 “Gaia Antártica: Conocimiento y Cultura Antártica” and the collaborative partnership of the Universidad de Magallanes (Umag) with higher education and research institutions that contribute to the knowledge of the Antarctic Continent.
Gaia Antarctic Digital Repository’s purpose is to develop a single digital platform to collect, preserve and disseminate scientific, academic and disclosure information about the Antarctic and Antarctic polar areas. All the information must be published under open access policies.
The repository will be administrated by Umag through the Libraries System (SIBUMAG), of Antarctic Programs (DPA) and the Convenio de Desempeño Gaia Antártica: Conocimiento y Cultura Antártica.
The documentary inputs is in charge of collaborating institutions that have so far signed their participation: Instituto Antártico Chileno (INACH), Universidad de Chile (UCHILE), Centro de Estudios Hemisféricos y Polares (CEHP), Universidad Austral de Chile(UACH) y Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH).
We invite all institutions who are generating research and information about the Antarctic areas to join this vital initiative.