Special Areas of Conservation with Marine components - Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Original (non-English) name
SACs with Marine components - JNCC
Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) are designated to protect habitats and species listed on Annex I and Annex II of the European Habitats Directive.
SACs with ‘marine components’ protect Annex I habitats and/or Annex II species associated with the marine environment. Marine component habitats range from coastal, intertidal habitats such as coastal lagoons and mudflats and sandflats, to subtidal and deep-sea habitats such as reefs. There are currently 116 SACs with marine components covering approximately 14% of UK waters. SACs with marine components are displayed on JNCC's MPA mapper, and a list of these sites, the habitats and species they protect, and the site boundaries, is available on JNCC's Resource Hub.