Final Report - Pacific Marine Arctic Regional Synthesis
PacMARS Final Report
The Pacific Marine Arctic Regional Synthesis (PacMARS) is a research synthesis effort funded by Shell
Exploration & Production Company and ConocoPhillips, and administered and managed by the North
Pacific Marine Research Institute through the North Pacific Research Board with oversight from the U.S.
National Science Foundation Division of Polar Programs. The goal of the Pacific Marine Arctic Regional
Synthesis (PacMARS) effort is to facilitate new and cross-disciplinary synergies in our understanding of
the marine ecosystem of the greater Bering Strait region, including the northern Bering, Chukchi and
Beaufort seas. The specific objectives of the PacMARS research team and collaborators are as follows:
(1) identify and synthesize existing data sets that are critical for evaluating the current state of knowledge
of this marine ecosystem, including human dimensions, and (2) define the high-priority, overarching
scientific themes and research needs for the next decade or more of marine ecosystem studies in the
Pacific Arctic Region.