The content of the COPEPOD plankton database is updated on a monthly-to-quarterly basis. Every two years a printed NOAA technical memorandum is created to summarize the full data content, as well as the latest protocols for quality control and data product synthesis (i.e., new gridded fields, compilations, etc.). This allows users to cite a printed reference or a web site (depending on preference and/or the requirements of their intended publication or works).
The Spatiotemporal Data & Time Series Toolkit, previously known as "The COPEPODITE Toolkit", is a combination of two COPEPOD sub-elements: "NAUPLIUS" and "COPEPODITE". For previous COPEPODITE Toolkit users, the immediate difference is an increase in the number of available auto-extract spatiotemporal data sets in "Step #1", and a note that continuation with "Step #2" (analysis and graphics creation) is optional.
The NAUPLIUS Spatiotemporal Data tools and COPEPODITE Time Series tools were developed in support of various ICES, SCOR, and IOC-UNESCO plankton time-series working groups. This simple time-series analysis and visualization toolkit allows a user to create a variety of analytical plots and statistical results without having to install any software or learn any programming languages.
The COPEPOD Interactive Time-series Explorer (COPEPODITE) is a collection of time-series analysis and visualization plots developed by COPEPOD in support of various SCOR and ICES plankton time-series working groups ( WG125, WGZE, WGPME, WG137 ). While some of these graphics have been used by WGZE and WG125 for over ten years, until now it was only possible for these graphics to be created "in-house" at COPEPOD. (This means that an investigator had to send us their data and then wait for us to process it and create the graphics and results for them.)
This toolkit allows outside users to load their own data and quickly get a variety plots and results from the wide selection of tool modules developed in cooperation with these plankton working groups.