rdwd is an R interface to data from the German weather service (DWD). rdwd is an R package to select, download and read climate data from the German Weather Service (Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD).
The DWD provides thousands of datasets with weather observations online at opendata.dwd.de.
Since May 2019, rdwd also supports reading the Radolan (binary) raster data at grids_germany.
It provides three categories of services:
find, select, download + read data
vectorized, progress bars, no re-downloads
index of files + meta data
for three types of data:
observational time series from 6k meteorological recording stations (2.5k active) -> rain, temperature, wind, sunshine, pressure, cloudiness, humidity, snow, …
gridded raster data from radar + interpolation
european data stock slowly growing (but reading functions not tested yet)
All further information is available on the website: https://bookdown.org/brry/rdwd