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SYMPHONIE model (ODIS id: 1841)

This resource is offline Last check was 12/03/2025 02:26
First entry: 22/01/2021 Last update: 13/05/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE Secretariat
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English name SYMPHONIE model
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Abstract Symphonie is a Boussinesq hydrostatic ocean circulation model developed by the SIROCCO group. Momentums and tracers are computed on an Arakawa curvilinear C-grid using an energy conserving finite difference method described in Marsaleix el al. (2008). The time stepping method consists of a Leap Frog scheme combined to a Laplacian filter (Marsaleix et al, 2012). The Bentsen et al (1999) horizontal curvilinear Grid is used to increase the horizontal resolution near the coast, meanwhile covering a large area at a reasonable cost while a generalized terrain following coordinate is used for the vertical levels. Meanwhile, the well known sigma coordinate errors reported in Auclair et al (2000) led to the use of a suitable pressure gradient scheme (Marsaleix et al, 2009, 2011). The K-epsilon turbulence closure scheme, including the wave-current effect, has been implemented according to Michaud et al (2012). The various boundary conditions (lateral open borders, river discharges, surface conditions) are discussed in Estournel et al (2009). The large scale forcing terms, included in the radiation conditions formulation, are provided by the daily outputs of the MERCATOR system based on the NEMO model (Maraldi et al, 2013). The high frequency barotropic forcing is provided by the FES2012 tidal model. The astronomical tide potential has been implemented in the momentum equations according to Pairaud et al (2008). The air/sea fluxes are computed by the bulk formulae of Large et Yeager (2004) using the 3 hourly outputs of the ECMWF model.
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