Dion Häfner, René Løwe Jacobsen, Roman Nuterman, & Mads R. B. Kristensen. (2018, January 25). dionhaefner/veros: Veros on PyPI (Version v0.1.1). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1158868
Veros, the versatile ocean simulator, is just that: A powerful tool that makes high-performance ocean modeling approachable and fun. Since it is a pure Python module, the days of struggling with complicated model setup workflows, ancient programming environments, and obscure legacy code are finally over.
Veros supports both a NumPy backend for small-scale problems and a fully parallelized high-performance backend powered by Bohrium using either OpenMP (CPU) or OpenCL (GPU), and runs on distributed architectures via MPI.
A good starting point to gain an overview of Veros' design, performance, and capabilities are these slides of a talk on Veros held during the 98th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society.
The underlying numerics are based on pyOM2, an ocean model developed by Carsten Eden (Institut für Meereskunde, Hamburg University). Veros is currently being developed at Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen University.