Routines used by the USGS Coastal/Marine Hazards & Resources Program to process oceanographic time-series data.
stglib is a library of routines to process data from a variety of oceanographic instrumentation, consistent with the procedures of the Sediment Transport Group at the USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center.
stglib serves two distinct but related purposes:
A library to import data into xarray Datasets, which can be manipulated in an interactive Python environment (e.g., IPython, Jupyter notebooks).
A series of run scripts to process data into EPIC-compliant netCDF files for release to the public.
Currently, this package has at least partial support for:
Nortek Aquadopp profilers, in mean-current and wave-burst modes
RBR d|wave pressure sensors
YSI EXO2 water-quality sondes
SonTek IQ flow monitors
WET labs sensors, including ECO NTUSB and ECO PAR
Onset HOBO pressure sensors
Moving-boat ADCP data processed using QRev, for use in index-velocity computation