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CO2-System-Extd package (ODIS id: 1956)

This resource is online Last check was 25/03/2025 10:25
First entry: 22/01/2021 Last update: 01/05/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE Secretariat
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English name CO2-System-Extd package
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Citation The full citation for CO2SYSv3 (Sharp et al., 2020) is given below. Cite this version if using CO2SYSv3 for CO2 system calculations or propagating errors in CO2 system calculations using the extended errors.m or derivnum.m routines provided here. If using any CO2SYS program for CO2 system calculations, cite also the original CO2SYS DOS work of Lewis and Wallace (1998). If using the CO2SYS MATLAB program for CO2 system calculations, cite also the work of van Heuven et al. (2011). If using the derivnum.m and/or errors.m programs for CO2 system error propagations, cite also the work of Orr et al. (2018).
Abstract This repository includes software compatible with MATLAB and GNU Octave for calculating marine CO2 system variables (CO2SYS.m), computing partial derivatives of calculated CO2 system variables with respect to inputs (derivnum.m), and propagating uncertainties for CO2 system calculations (errors.m). This software performs similarly to previously released versions of CO2SYS.m (v1:; v2:, and includes the following extended capabilities, additions, and bug fixes (among other minor changes): Can accept input parameters of [CO3], [HCO3], and [CO2], and propagate their uncertainties Includes NH3 and HS as alkalinity contributors, and propagates their uncertainties Uses separate inputs to specify choices for characterizations of K1K2, KSO4, KF, and TB Does not evaluate input parameters equal to -999 or NaN Exits pH iteration loops that do not converge and indicates where a problem occurred Provides exactly identical pH results for a given input line, no matter the other lines of input parameters (this is not necessarily the case for prior versions of CO2SYS.m) Uses an updated definition of the ideal gas constant ( Fixes bugs in CO2SYS.m Revelle factor calculation and derivnum.m output conditions Includes K1 and K2 constants defined by Sulpis et al. (2020), K2 constant defined by Schockman and Byrne (2021), KF constant defined by Perez and Fraga (1987), and KSO4 constant of Waters and Millero (2013) errors.m includes optional calcium concentration uncertainty input as discussed in Dillon et al. (2020) Also included in this repository is a routine to compare CO2SYSv3 to CO2SYSv2 (compare_versions.m), a routine to calculate substrate-inhibitor ratios ([HCO3]/[H]; Bach, 2015) from CO2SYS output (SIR.m), a routine to calculate total concentrations of conservative elements (Na, Mg, Cl, etc.) from CO2SYS output (TOTALS.m), and an example function to run CO2SYSv3 and plot some of the output (example_CO2SYS.m).
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