This is where you search for metadata describing Southern Ocean datasets across a much wider range of disciplines than we can currently serve up in SOOSmap. The SOOS metadata portal is a subset of all records on NASA's Global Change Master Directory (GCMD), pulling in all records relevant to the SOOS Science Themes. You can search by spatial location, freetext, keywords, or dates to find the most relevant datasets. Most metadata records include links to access the dataset itself.
Through the portal, you can also submit your own metadata record, using the DocBuilder link (you will need to register to use DocBuilder). This is the easiest way to ensure that other Southern Ocean researchers can discover and access your datasets.
The SOOS portal is optimised to show records that are related to the SOOS candidate Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) and that overlap the geographic area south of 40°S. If your metadata record does not contain any spatial information or keywords associated with any of the EOVs, you can ensure that it will be picked up by the SOOS portal by adding "SOOS" as an IDN_Node.