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HAB OBIS (ODIS id: 2193)

This resource is online Last check was 25/03/2025 18:30
First entry: 09/07/2021 Last update: 09/07/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE Secretariat
Datasource URL
Parent Project URL
ODIS-Arch Type
English name HAB OBIS
Original (non-English) name
Abstract The OBIS HAB node is a thematic node compiling and processiong data on occurrence of toxin producing micro-algae species and their impacts on ecosystems and human activity. The node covers the species included in the IOC-UNESCO Taxonomic Reference List of Harmful Micro Algae at It is supported by a network of editors covering specific regions. In a first phase the editors are primarily harvesting the literature for known occurrences in order to have a base line data set in OBIS on toxic microalgae which will serve to validate occurrence data from larger data sets and time series in OBIS. This specific data set on toxic micro-alge will provide an important data basis for the first Global Harmful Algal Bloom Status Report.
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