Product Quality Dashboard - Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service
Original (non-English) name
Product Quality Dashboard - CMEMS
In this panel, you will find generic information on the quality of blue ocean parameters, the physical ocean and ocean circulation parameters available in the CMEMS catalogue. The quality of CMEMS products is documented in QUIDs, which can be found on the catalogue, along with each product. One major source of deviation from the nominal quality of products as described in reference QUIDs, is the day-to-day fluctuation in the number of available observations which are used for the elaboration of this product. Hence, recent time series of the daily number of valid observations per parameter are shown here (satellite on the left, and in situ in the center), to inform you on potential quality drops due to this specific source of uncertainty. This information is updated on a daily basis. The accuracy of the 12-hour forecast from the model product dedicated to the area is illustrated on the right (only for sea surface temperature at the moment). These forecast quality summaries show the distribution of measured values for a selection of accuracy metrics applied to catalogue products. These summaries are updated monthly and will be progressively extended to all parameters. Detailed quality information is already available for all forecast products in the “expert metrics” part just below.