We would like to acknowledge the contribution of the Australian Microbiome consortium in the generation of data used in this publication. The Australian Microbiome initiative is supported by funding from Bioplatforms Australia and the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) through the Australian Government’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS), Parks Australia through the Bush Blitz program funded by the Australian Government and BHP, and the CSIRO
The Bioplatforms Australia Framework Initiatives are national collaborative projects that use integrated ‘omics infrastructure to generate high-impact data and knowledge resources to support some of Australia’s biggest scientific challenges. These challenges span agriculture, biomedicine, the environment and industry, as well as extending to relevant international endeavours.
These interdisciplinary and collaborative initiatives deliver large-scale open science programs that:
- deliver lasting outcomes that serve as a leading and trusted resource;
- cultivate meaningful collaborations and partnerships beyond discipline and institutional boundaries;
- support translation of research into impact; and
- encourage innovation through an agile and future-looking implementation framework.
The resulting datasets are stored (or linked to within) this Data Portal and are all accompanied by a rich set of metadata to enhance reuse.
Full access to the Data Portal ‘omics resources requires registration. Bioplatforms Australia has defined Terms and Conditions for access of their website, along with a Privacy statement on data collection, which apply identically to the present Data Portal.
Data Portal user support guides are available through our dedicated GitHub page. The Bioplatforms Australia data portal allows programmatic access via the standard CKAN API .