The coastal measurement systems are a network of buoys that are placed around Sweden in the coastal zone. The Surface bouy measure temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, oxygen, current speed & direcion, wind speed, & direction, air temp & pressure and surface turbidity and salinity, oxygen and temperature in the water profile. Most Surface boiuy sensors deliver information in near real time. The buoy network is run in collaboration between SMHI, the University of Gothenburg, Umeå University, the Linnaeus University and Stockholm University.
Sweden's observation system for Sea and Coast is under-dimensioned. The users of information from the Coastal Zone do not have time series for water parameters to be used in climate and model work and for research purposes. The buoys have been financed by funds from the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency / the Swedish Maritime and Water Authority, and the Interreg project "Sea meets Land".