Sea-floor Geology - European Geological Data Infrastructure
Original (non-English) name
Sea-floor Geology - EGDI
Within EMODnet Geology, the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) is leading the workpackage “Seafloor Geology” to compile and harmonize the European marine geology map data as detailed as possible for the themes
– pre-Quaternary and
– Quaternary geology;
– geomorphology.
These three data layers on Seafloor Geology show the underlying geology from Earths ancient past (more than 2500 Million years ago) to modern Quaternary deposits and geomorphological features. From it we can read the story about Earths Evolution in the European, marine part of our planet Earth, i.e. from the oldest rocks and how they form, to the youngest rocks and geomorphological features representing the most recent geological and environmental changes.
Users can find in particular Information on scientifically valuable geological and geomorphological structures, on geological material (lithology), its age (stratigraphy) and its forms (geomorphology) on the seafloor in Europe. This contains information on structures on the seafloor important for geoscience research and investigations of future exploration of mineral and energy resources, but also of biologic resources. It is also a source of knowledge to show features of the seafloor geomorphology valuable for habitats of numerous species (Fishery, tourism). In addition, the layers provides information on the sea floor conditions to plan building infrastructures (such as windparks, or a pipeline or a protection area for endangered species).