Models and Forecasts - Central and Northern Californian Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Models and Forecasts - CeNCOOS
Marine stakeholders require nowcasts and predictions of future conditions to make everyday
decisions. Models support interpretation of variation and change, maritime safety and defense.
CeNCOOS enables partnerships and sustained engagement to promote information
sharing among a variety of disciplines and timescales. Exchange between modelers and end-users progressively advances a unified modeling framework with CeNCOOS providing the
important role of linking these groups so that local and regional models address specific user requirements — and more robust and widely used outputs. CeNCOOS also aids in the development of best practices — particularly in emerging technologies — infrastructure and data assimilation techniques.
CeNCOOS advances and streamlines access to information from a number of regional models including: two Regional Ocean Modeling Systems (ROMS); a regional atmospheric model (COAMPS); the West Coast-wide ocean forecast model (WCOFS); the San Francisco Bay Ocean Forecast System (SFBOFS);a harmful algal bloom forecast model (C-HARM); and, a developing model for ocean acidification observing optimization.