GOES Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperatures - NOAA Ocean Prediction Center
Original (non-English) name
The graphic above contains links to GOES satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST, degrees Celsius) data for the Western Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Oceans. There are three main data fields available covering each of the twelve regions and all regions combined. The data fields are sea surface temperature with compositing options described below, age of observations and the number of observations. The GOES East SST composites are generated from the NOAA NESDIS ACSPO (Advanced Clear Sky Processor for Ocean) 0.02º Level 3 product from the new-generation Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) sensor onboard the GOES-16 (East) satellite.
The data fields are displayed as composite images calculated from the most recent hourly GOES infrared satellite data. All SST fields are average values of the available data over the stated period, except for Goes East regions that provide the option of using the most recent data over the last 4 days, the 4 Day Recent Composite. Areas with no valid data over the 4/5 days due to persistant cloud cover are shown in black (Goes West) or white (Goes East).
Blue areas in the Observation Age and Observation Numbers fields show the most recent data and the greatest quantity of data, respectively. Once the new GOES West satellite becomes operational and we receive SST data, the images for GOES West will be changed to the style of the Goes East regions.