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Gulf Stream Mean and Eddy Kinetic Energy - California Underwater Glider Network at University of California San Diego (ODIS id: 2560)

This resource is online Last check was 04/05/2024 23:31
First entry: 12/07/2021 Last update: 10/10/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE Secretariat
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ODIS-Arch Type Sitemap
English name Gulf Stream Mean and Eddy Kinetic Energy - California Underwater Glider Network at University of California San Diego
Original (non-English) name
Acronym Gulf Stream Mean and Eddy Kinetic Energy - CUGN-UCSD
Citation You are welcome to download and use these estimates of Gulf Stream mean and kinetic energy. If you do so, please include the following two references in any presentations or publications: Todd, R.E. (2021), Gulf Stream mean and eddy kinetic energy: Three-dimensional estimates from underwater glider observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., in press, doi: 10.1029/2020GL090281. Todd, R.E. (2021), Gulf Stream mean and eddy kinetic energy from Spray underwater glider measurements [Data set]. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Instrument Development Group, doi: 10.21238/S8SPRAY2675A
Abstract Since 2015, Spray underwater gliders have routinely collected high-resolution observations in and near the Gulf Stream along the US East Coast. Todd (2021, Geophysical Research Letters) used the profiles of absolute horizontal velocity measured by the gliders to estimate mean and eddy kinetic energy on a 0.1° × 0.1° × 10 m grid that covers the Gulf Stream and surrounding waters along the US East Coast to a maximum depth of 1000 m. The methodology used to produce the estimates is described in detail in Todd (2021, Geophysical Research Letters).
Host institution of the resource University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
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