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Web site - Russian Federation NODC (ODIS id: 257)

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First entry: 11/01/2019 Last update: 29/09/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record Dr Sergey Belov ( OceanExpert : 13831 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE NODC
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English name Web site - Russian Federation NODC
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Abstract By the resolution of the Council of Ministers of 04.12.1963 № 1188-437, the Resolution from 16.12.64 № 287), as well as on the orders of Chief of the Hydrometeorological Service of Academician E.K. Fedorov in Obninsk was founded Natinal Oceanographic Data Center (NODC). In 1971 NODC became a part of RIHMI-IDC. Creation of data center was a major decision to establish the scientific, organizational and legal basis for the formation of the State Fund of data (GOSFOND) for oceanography and agencies to ensure that data from all ministries and agencies engaged in the study of oceans and seas and their resources. Main tasks of NODC are: Development of concepts and projects to automate the collection, storage, processing and exchange of information on the marine environment, using modern information and communication technologies; Development of technology integration; Development of software application processing of oceanographic data; Scientific and methodical management units Roshydromet for automating the processing of oceanographic data; Participation in international activities. Over the years the NODC has done a lot of organizational and methodological work to identify and record oceanographic data in the NIU various agencies of Russia, the development of formats and technologies entering the data on technical media, the creation of data processing software to meet user requests. Thus was developed a few technologies entry deep data on magnetic tape - the first with punch cards, which worked in 1965-1985., The second - with the tapes for the Seas of Russia (1970-1982 gg.), The third - for devices produce data on magnetic tapes ( 1985-1997 gg.) and PC (c 1995). Along with identifying data that were collected, and after that - entering information on the technical media. In the mid-sixties, under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, was launched the international exchange of oceanographic data on announced a national program with the National Oceanographic Data Centres USA, Canada, Japan, Australia and other countries. through WDC-A and B at the beginning in a tabular form, and from 1980 on tape, later on diskettes, compact disks, in the second half of the nineties by e-mail, and now through access to the databases online. In 1970 NODC developed the first automated technology for data tables coastal observations, and in 1977 began recording the data on magnetic tape. Since 1981 RIHMI-MCD shall receive operational messages (BATHY, TESAC, buoys, ship),passed through the global telecommunication network. Since 1974, data center staff began to participate in the work of teams of data management in the research vessels and put into practice the technologies developed RIHMI-WDC and AARI. As a result of purposeful activity in the data centerRIHMI-WDC was created by an array of national oceanographic data. In NODC of RIHMI-WDC more than a dozen databases of background information on oceanographic data (cruises, an array of space - time coordinates of oceanographic stations, information about the observations of currents, marine coastal and estuarine stations and posts, observation platforms, formats, data storage morevedcheskih organizations; oceanographic data bases on technical media in various organizations are used. Supports common codes and classifiers (ships, countries, institutions, geographical areas, equipment, etc.) in a volume of more than 30 thousand parameters. more detail with reference information is available in a centralized database Metadata - To improve information services to scientists and engineers currently in the NODC of RIHMI-WDC widely used Web-based technologies, implemented in 1999-2012 as the subprogramme "United Information System of the World Ocean" Federal Target Program "World Ocean.
Host institution of the resource All-Russian Research Institute Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Center, Obninsk
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