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Water Temperature Buoy Observations - Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 2590)

This resource is online Last check was 03/02/2025 06:29
First entry: 12/07/2021 Last update: 12/10/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE Secretariat
Datasource URL
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ODIS-Arch Type
English name Water Temperature Buoy Observations - Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Acronym Water Temperature Buoy Observations - PacIOOS
Abstract The PacIOOS wave buoy observations of water temperature. Temperature impacts both the chemical and biological characteristics of surface water. It affects the dissolved oxygen level in the water, photosynthesis of aquatic plants, metabolic rates of aquatic organisms, and the sensitivity of these organisms to pollution, parasites, and disease. Corals experience thermal stress, the main cause of bleaching, when water temperatures are too high. Temperature also has an effect on the comfort level of recreational water users.
Host institution of the resource Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System
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