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Bering Sea Project Data Archive (ODIS id: 26)

This resource is online Last check was 26/03/2025 22:28
First entry: 11/01/2019 Last update: 25/09/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record Don STOTT ( OceanExpert : 27426 )
Submitter/Owner Role Other
Datasource URL
Parent Project URL
ODIS-Arch Type
English name Bering Sea Project Data Archive
Original (non-English) name
Abstract The Bering Sea Project is a partnership between the North Pacific Research Board and the National Science Foundation that seeks to understand the impacts of climate change and dynamic sea ice cover on the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem. More than one hundred scientists are engaged in field research and ecosystem modeling to link climate, physical oceanography, plankton, fishes, seabirds, marine mammals, humans, traditional knowledge and economic outcomes to better understand the mechanisms that sustain this highly productive region. We invite you to explore the program website to learn more about the Bering Sea Project's hypotheses, focal areas of study, integrated goals, participants, and ecological and social context.
Host institution of the resource University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, National Center for Atmospheric Research
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Technical notes To the extent that any materials published in a UCAR data repository are protected by copyright, you are hereby granted a license to use such material, unless otherwise stated, subject to the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license ( To the extent that any materials published in a UCAR data repository are not protected by copyright, you are hereby granted permission to use such materials for any lawful purpose. When using any materials obtained from a UCAR data repository, you agree to use the recommended data citation format provided by that UCAR data repository. If you have questions concerning this recommendation please contact the user online help service at the UCAR data repository.
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage 53.00, -180.00, 63.00, -163.00
Data policy
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