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ERSP on hydrometeorological regime of the Laptev Sea (ODIS id: 267)

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First entry: 11/01/2019 Last update: 29/09/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record Dr Sergey Belov ( OceanExpert : 13831 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE NODC
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English name ERSP on hydrometeorological regime of the Laptev Sea
Original (non-English) name ЭРСП по гидрометеорологическому режиму моря Лаптевых
Abstract The electronic regime reference manual (ERS) on the hydrometeorological regime of the Laptev Sea is a reference book containing information on the climatic characteristics of the marine environment of the sea. The ERSP was prepared on the basis of the initial domestic and foreign data of hydrometeorological observations accumulated in the State Fund of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "VNIIGMI-MCD" for a long time period. The ERA is aimed at a wide range of users associated with the study and practical use of the natural resources of the oceans and seas. It contains extensive tabular and cartographic materials without their textual scientific analysis and does not replace other climatic publications of similar topics. It also presents a general climatic description of the region under study, prepared based on materials. The ERSP is based on the calculated data of operating characteristics in the coastal zone of the sea, obtained from the results of urgent observations at the network of coastal hydrometeorological stations (GMR) and posts (GMP), and data from oceanographic and marine hydrometeorological observations in the open part of the Laptev Sea, including secular stations. cuts. As design parameters of the marine environment, we used such characteristics as water and air temperature, salinity, conditional water density, sea level, wind and wave characteristics, oxygen content, and sound speed. In terms of structure, the ERSP consists of three parts. Its first part provides general background information on the sources of information that forms the basis of calculations. For the coastal zone of the sea, a map is given with the location of coastal observation points, as well as passport data on the GMR (names of stations, their code numbers, coordinates, and observation periods). For the open sea, maps of the water area illumination by observations and reference tables, respectively, for ship hydrometeorological and deep-sea oceanographic observations with the number and period of observations for individual one-degree squares of Marsden and stations of secular sections are provided. In the second part of the ERSP, tabular and graphic materials with the climatic characteristics of the coastal zone of the Laptev Sea are given, containing the calculated data of the average and extreme values ​​of the parameters and their recurrence over long-term months, as well as characteristics of the interannual variability of the parameters. The third part of the ERSP contains the results of calculations of the climatic characteristics of the marine environment of the open sea with the presentation of maps of the calculated hydrometeorological and oceanographic fields on the sea surface and on individual observation horizons. In a tabular form, for all one-degree squares and stations of secular sections, statistics of monthly average and extreme values ​​of parameters at standard horizons are given. In general, for the entire water area of ​​the sea, the recurrences of parameter values ​​for multiyear months and their annual variation were calculated. The ERSP has a laser disk with the results of climatic data processing and a software application for accessing them and is supplemented by an NTML version oriented to a standard Internet browser.
Host institution of the resource All-Russian Research Institute Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Center, Obninsk
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