Stainless-steel buoy Vida was manufactured and deployed in operation in 2008 by the company Manta d.o.o.. The buoy's hull is made of stainless steal 6 mm thick. It is 2.5 m in diameter and the height of the upper-most sensor (the anemometer) is 5 m. The buoy is fixed with three chains, which are attached to the buoy's hull at points separated by 120 degrees around the hull's perimeter. The chains connect the buoy to three concrete anchors on the seafloor at a depth of 22 m. On the buoy there are the following instruments: An acoustic Gill's Instruments 3D anemometer (height 5 m), a Vaisala air temperature and humidity sensor (height 3.5 m), a Seacat of Seabird T and C probe (depth 3 m), an oxygen sensor 'Optode' of Aanderaa, at a depth of 22m. An Xsens motion sensor (accelerometer/compass-tilt sensor) is placed in the buoy's hull just below the top-cover of the hull and under the mast. An AWAC current meter from Nortek As is mounted at the seafloor, at a depth of 22 m.