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DueSOuth - Southern Ocean Observing System (ODIS id: 2774)

This resource is online Last check was 30/01/2025 18:25
First entry: 12/07/2021 Last update: 30/10/2021
Submitter/Owner of this record Mr. Cristian Muñoz Mas ( OceanExpert : 30291 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE Secretariat
Datasource URL
Parent Project URL
ODIS-Arch Type
English name DueSOuth - Southern Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
Acronym DueSOuth - SOOS
Abstract DueSouth is a tool for you to find potential collaborators who can help you collect the data you need in the Southern Ocean. It's also a place for you to share your upcoming field plans so that other researchers can reach out to you and plan collaborations. You can share information about both the expedition itself and all the projects on board it. You can also share information about projects associated with Antarctic research stations. Right now, DueSouth is populated by scientists and voyage coordinators directly uploading their information, as well as automatic feeds from the OceanOPS database of upcoming voyages. We are working with other voyage coordination bodies to arrange more automatic feeds into DueSouth, so watch this space!
Host institution of the resource University of Tasmania, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies
Technical contact email please login to see emails
Technical notes
Interface Languages
Contributing Countries
Countries owning the source
Sea Region
Spatial Coverage
Data policy
Metadata standard
Interaction techs
Contributing data to
Obtaining data from

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