Mediterranean Black Sea Argo Centre - Mediterranean Operational Network for the Global Ocean Observing System
Original (non-English) name
MedArgo's main responsibility is the overall coordination of profiling float operations in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. As such, MedArgo serves as a Delayed Mode Operator (DMO) for the delayed-mode processing of the Argo data with specific QC tailored for the Mediterranean and Black Seas.
In addition, MedArgo is a component of the North Atlantic Argo Regional Centre (ARC) and conducts the following activities:
1. the coordination of float deployments in the Mediterranean and Black Seas;
2. the preparation and distribution of Mediterranean and Black Sea Argo products and services;
3. and the comparison of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea Argo data with ancillary hydrographic data and model products.
MedArgo is the official Argo Regional Centre (MED-ARC) for the Mediterranean and Black Seas. It is part of the Italian "Gruppo Nazionale di Oceanografia Operativa" (GNOO). Partial support is provided by the EuroArgo, Copernicus, and Argo-Italy projects.