Wind Products - Satellite Application Facility on Ocean and Sea Ice
Original (non-English) name
Wind Products - OSI SAF
If you wish to use these products, EUMETSAT's copyright credit must be shown by displaying the words "copyright (year) EUMETSAT" on each of the products used.
KNMI is responsible for the wind products in the context of the EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF). Scatterometer data from the ASCAT instrument on the Metop satellites and the OSCAT scatterometer on the Oceansat-2 satellite are processed towards wind products in near-real time.
The wind products are displayed on the web in near-real time. The data are used by many users, including meteorological and oceanographic institutes.
Other KNMI activities in the OSI SAF are the support of the ASCAT calibration and validation. Also some of the KNMI R&D work on scatterometry is done in the context of the OSI SAF.
More information on the other OSI SAF products and on the project consortium is available on the central OSI SAF web site.