Media Archive - Scientific and Environmental ROV Partnership using Existing Industrial Technology
Original (non-English) name
Media Archive - SERPENT
In any downloading or consulting of the data from this website, the visitor acknowledges that he/she agrees to the following:
If data are extracted from this website for secondary analysis resulting in publication, the website should be cited as follows:
Jones, D.O.B., Gates, A.R., Curry, R.A., Thomson, M., Pile, A., Benfield, M. (Eds) (2009). SERPENT project. Media database archive. Available online at accessed on Sun Dec 12 2021 13:47:52 GMT+0100 (hora estándar de Europa central)
If any data constitutes a substantial proportion of the records used in secondary analysis, the authors/managers of the database should be contacted. In any case, there are additional data which may prove valuable to such analyses.
The SERPENT media archive holds all the images and video footage we have collected or have been sent since the start of the project - there are hundreds of entries from around the world, from sharks to sea squirts!