History of Marine Animal Populations - University of Hull
Original (non-English) name
HMAP - University of Hull
The HMAP datasets are a research resource comprising of information derived largely from historical records relating to fishing catches and effort in selected spatial and temporal contexts. The datasets in this collection have been edited by Michaela Barnard and John Nicholls to accord with the HMAP/OBIS schema.
Each dataset is offered in a variety of formats and is accompanied by documentation, also in a variety of formats. The supporting documentation includes information on the objectives of the data collection effort, the provenance of the historical source material from which the data are derived, the structure of the dataset, and the outputs that have been generated. These documents have been drafted by the data providers and edited by Michaela Barnard, John Nicholls and David Starkey.
The Oceans Past Initiative (OPI) is a global research network for marine historical research. Our goal is to enhance knowledge and understanding of how the diversity, distribution and abundance of marine life in the world’s oceans has changed over the long term to better indicate future changes and possibilities. OPI welcomes anyone interested in the history of humankind’s interactions with life in the oceans including paleo-ecologists and climatologists, archaeologists, marine environmental historians, economic historians, oral historians, historical ecologists, fisheries historians, and marine environmental and fisheries policy makers and managers.