Wave height statistics - Danish Meteorological Institute
Original (non-English) name
Wave height statistics - DMI
Wave height statistics:
DMI uses 3 types of statistics for significant wave height:
- Statistics based on wave model data,
- Statistics based on satellite observations,
- Statistics based on observations from lightships.
Wave model statistics:
DMI has analysed operational short range (1-6h) significant wave height forecasts, produced by the DMI met-ocean forecast model system based on the limited area nwp model Hirlam and the wave model WAM. What results is wave height probability distributions for each of five wave model domains:
- North Atlantic (7 years of data),
- The Mediterranean (5 years of data),
- The North Sea - Baltic Sea (3 years of data),
- The danish Transition Area (3 years of data),
- The Yellow Sea (1 year of data).
The wave height statistics have been calculated for every model grid point, totalling about 50.000 data points. This has been done on a monthly basis, for each season, and for the annual data.