GRASP Satellite Altimetry - Permanent Commission of the South Pacific
Original (non-English) name
GRASP Altimetría Satelital - Comisión Permanente del Pacífico
GRASP Satellite Altimetry - CPPS
The image shows the sea level anomaly field, which is generated by means of an L4 product, provided by CMEMS. The anomaly is obtained with the measurement of sea level height minus the climatology calculated for a period of 20 years of altimetry data. The satellites that make up the constellation to generate altimetry information are JASON-3, Sentinel-3A, Saral/AltiKa and Cryosat-2.
The altimetric data have been processed in the first days of each month, using the MATLAB software. The color scale indicates the variability of the sea level in meters.