Lightning data available at the GHRC DAAC are described below. Most data are freely available, with Earthdata registration and login, with the exception of a few that require lightning research team permission to obtain. In most cases, browse images and additional software packages are available. Each dataset has what is called a 'Dataset Landing Page', a single web page with background information and links to data access, documentation, dataset citation example, and software for data use.
Public data can be obtained using data access links and by locating the data in HyDRO 2.0, the GHRC's online data ordering system. Earthdata login is required for data download. Contact GHRC User Services if you need assistance. Most datasets are stored in self-describing HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) files. Information about this format is available from the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the URL NCSA provides a public domain library supporting HDF on a wide variety of computer platforms.