Statistical information on oceanography and marine meteorology of Colombia
Original (non-English) name
Operación estadística oceanográfica y meteorológica marina de Colombia
Dimar. (2022). Statistical information on oceanography and marine meteorology of Colombia. General Maritime Directorate. Bogota D.C., Colombia.
As of 2005, with the implementation of the Oceanographic and Marine Meteorology Monitoring Network (REDMPOMM, for its acronym in Spanish), Colombia has automatic satellite transmission stations for the reception of real-time data to strengthen operational capacities and marine scientific research of the General Maritime Directorate (DIMAR). The objective of the statistical operation implemented by DIMAR is to generate monthly statistical information on oceanography and marine meteorology variables of the Colombian Pacific and Caribbean, contributing to the understanding
from ocean-atmospheric conditions in scientific research, to decision-making, as well as the establishment of the limit conditions of port operation in the context of comprehensive maritime safety. There are historical data series from 2018 to date, which can be downloaded free of charge and without registration at the Colombian Oceanographic Data Center (CECOLDO, for its acronym in Spanish).