This data access portal allows you to search for individual collection-level data sets. Ocean Acidification Data Stewardship (OADS) is a data management project funded by NOAA/OAR/Ocean Acidification Program (OAP), and operated within NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). The primary mission of OADS is to ensure all data collected from OAP investments are properly archived and made accessible towards improved assessments of marine ecosystem vulnerability, and better forecasting capabilities, in accordance with the NOAA Plan for Public Access to Research Results (PARR) and the White House executive order on making data open and machine-readable. This includes dedicated support for data acquisition, quality assurance, management of rich metadata, application of controlled vocabularies, long-term archiving, stable data citation, as well as online data discovery and access services. We are located within NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) at Silver Spring, Maryland. OADS builds on a collaborative approach with shared responsibilities among scientists, data managers, and data partners.