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Black Sea Environmental Platform (ODIS id: 3273)

This resource is online Last check was 12/03/2025 10:34
First entry: 28/09/2023 Last update: 28/09/2023
Submitter/Owner of this record Dr. Viktor Komorin ( OceanExpert : 31716 )
Submitter/Owner Role IODE NODC
Datasource URL
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ODIS-Arch Type
English name Black Sea Environmental Platform
Original (non-English) name Чорноморська екологічна платформа
Acronym BS e-Platform
Citation V.M. Komorin, A.M. Kruglov, O.V. Lepyoshkin, O.V. Myasnikova, O.O. Neprokin. Black Sea Environmental Platform. Ukrainian scientific center of Ecology of the Sea (UkrSCES). 2023
Abstract Overview: The BS e-Platform has been created on the Water Quality Database (WQDB) basis, that had initiated under the auspices of the EMBLAS project, stands as a leading repository designed for collating and analyzing water quality data pertaining to the entire Black Sea region. By integrating modern technologies and methodologies, it aligns seamlessly with the principles and approaches of European directives, especially the WFS (Water Frame Directive) and MSFD (Marine Strategy Framework Directive). Development History: EMBLAS I (2016): the conceptual foundation for the WQDB was laid during the inaugural phase of the EMBLAS I project; EMBLAS II: as the project transitioned to its next phase, the database was augmented with comprehensive data sourced from multiple expeditions and thorough ecological monitoring across the Black Sea; EMBLAS plus: functional capabilities such as Chemical GES, Phytoplankton GES, Integral Zooplankton Index, and others have been developed. Content & Data Features: The WQDB caters to an extensive range of water quality indicators, in line with the descriptors of the MSFD EU directive. This encompasses: Biodiversity: Information on the state of various marine species and habitats. Non-indigenous Species: Data on invasive species and their impacts. Population Dynamics: Metrics related to the population and health of commercial fish species. Food Webs: Data showcasing the health and balance of marine food chains. Eutrophication: Information on nutrient levels and their potential impacts. Sea Floor Integrity: Metrics that provide insights into the state and health of the seabed. Hydrographical Changes: Data pertaining to changes in the Black Sea's hydrography. Contaminants: Information on pollutants in the water and marine life. Marine Litter: Data on the amount and types of waste present. Energy, including Underwater Noise: Metrics related to noise pollution and its potential impacts. Functional Capabilities: The WQDB is more than a mere data reservoir. It embodies an analytical powerhouse, complete with: Chemical GES: Scrutinizing the chemical balance and health of marine environments. E-Trix: An all-encompassing environmental assessment matrix. BEAST: A comprehensive benthic habitat assessment tool. Phytoplankton GES: Analyzing the robustness and diversity of phytoplankton communities. Integral Zooplankton Index: Evaluating zooplankton health and diversity. Macrophytobenthos GES: Assessing the state of benthic macrophyte communities. Expansion & Integration: Though originally conceptualized for EMBLAS project, the WQDB has expanded to accommodate data from a spectrum of projects, including ANEMONE and BRIDGE-BS. Moreover, it archives invaluable historical water quality records from a myriad of organizations focused on the Black Sea region. Access: Engineered for effortless navigation, the WQDB offers a user-friendly online interface, enabling stakeholders to easily tap into the vast water quality datasets of the Black Sea. In essence, the WQDB, birthed during the EMBLAS project, has evolved into Black Sea Environmental Data Platform (BS e-DataPlatform) - an essential instrument for gauging, interpreting, and preserving the intricate water quality dynamics of the Black Sea, harmonizing past and present data to guide future sustainable endeavors.
Host institution of the resource Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of the Sea
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