Newsletter Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee - CTN DIOCEAN NO. 3 / 2023
Original (non-English) name
Boletín Comité Técnico Nacional de Coordinación de Datos e Información Oceánicos - CTN Diocean No. 3 / 2023
Boletín CTN Diocean
CTN Diocean. (2024). Boletín Comité Técnico Nacional de Datos e Información Oceánica - CTN Diocean No. 3 / 2023. Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Comisión Colombiana del Océano (CCO).
The CTN Diocean Newsletter is an annual publication of the Colombian Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee. In this issue, among others, thee recognitions achieved at the international level by institutions that are part of the committee and that contribute to the strengthening of oceanic data management in Colombia stand out: the first, open oceanographic data as an activity of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development; and the second, the co-presidency for the intersessional period 2023-2025 of the program for the International Oceanographic Data Exchange (IOC-IODE) together with Sweden; and finally, the advice that Colombia is providing to the IODE coordination of Panama.