Geoinformation portal 2020 - National Biodiversity Information System (SNIB)
Original (non-English) name
GEOPORTAL CONABIO accesado el 8/feb/2019
Geoinformation portal is a geographic information portal where you can consult, view and download thematic cartography of different scales generated and compiled by CONABIO. Open-source software was used to develop this portal.
The main characteristics of the portal are to develop access mechanisms to CONABIO's geographic data collections through specialized information services, such as:
- Graphic view of the information by general topics.
- Detailed information on cartography available through metadata searches.
- Download information in a compatible format ( shapefile )
- The cartographic information is administered by the Geographic Information Systems Sub-Directorate.
The consultation of this information is made through a general classification of topics, under the following headings: SNIB, Biodiversity, Topography, Hydrology, Edaphology geology, Climatology, Vegetation and land use, Political division, Population, Infrastructure, Regionalization, Satellite products, Risk, Production.
Each of the previous topics, in turn, have subtopics, for example, for the heading of "topography" there are subtopics of land topography, marine topography, and General information.
As a requirement for a cartographic topic to be published on the portal, the geographic metadata must be included. For the generation of metadata, it was necessary to consult the formats already established for geographic information and; Among the different formats are: Graphic Representation NBII Content of Standard (1995), NBII Content of Standard for National Biological Information Infrastructure Metadata (December 1995), FDGC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (1994) and Dublin Core and ISO-19115, among others.
The metadata format used in this portal is the FGDC which presents the following items, which serve as an important source in the search of the system:
Identification information,
Quality of the information,
Spatial attributes,
Reference system,
Non-spatial attributes,
Information distribution,
The cartographic information is available online for free in shapefile format and in two reference systems: geographic coordinates (degrees, minutes, and seconds) and metric coordinates (Lambert Conformal Conic or Mercator Universal Transverse Conic) with the DATUM WGS84 parameters.