Insitu Data - Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
Original (non-English) name
Insitu Data - INCOIS
INCOIS, being the central repository for marine data in the country, receives voluminous oceanographic data in real-time, from a variety of in-situ and remote sensing observing systems. The Ocean Information Bank provides information on physical, chemical, biological and geological parameters of ocean and coasts on spatial and temporal domains that is vital for both research and operational oceanography. The Ocean Information Bank is supported by the data received from Ocean Observing Systems in the Indian Ocean (both the in-situ platforms and satellites) as well as by a chain of Marine Data Centres.
ARGO, Moored buoy, Drifting buoy, Rama buoy, real-time automatic weather stations, Wave rider buoy, Coastal HF radar, Current meter, XBT, Tide gauges, BPR.