Please cite data downloaded from CCHDO as: [Data providers of the parameter(s) used]. [Year of file access]. [CTD/Bottle] data from cruise [expocode], [format version used]. Accessed from CCHDO [url of cruise data page]. Access date [date of download]. [Applicable CCHDO cruise DOI if provided].
For example: Swift, J. and Becker, S. 2019. CTD data from Cruise 33RR20160321, exchange version. Accessed from CCHDO Access date 2019-08-21. CCHDO cruise DOI: 10.7942/C2008W
Information on the scientists who provided the different parameters can be found in the cruise report. Additionally, for US GO-SHIP cruises, this information is usually in the comments section in the text headers of the Exchange bottle files.
Users are also encouraged to acknowledge the funding program that supported the data collection in their publication. For US GO-SHIP data this is the NSF/NOAA funded U.S Repeat Hydrography Program.
The CCHDO's primary mission is to deliver the highest possible quality global CTD and hydrographic data to users. These data are a product of decades of observations related to the physical characteristics of ocean waters carried out during WOCE, CLIVAR and numerous other oceanographic research programs. Whenever possible we provide these data in three easy-to-use formats: WHP-Exchange (which we recommend for data submissions to the CCHDO), WOCE, and netCDF.
The CCHDO also manages public and non-public CTD data to be used for the global Argo and OceanSITES programs.
This site is funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Climate Observations Division.